Fakes and Stubbing and Mocks, Oh My!

This page seeks to provide an overview on mocking and a related task: redirecting function calls to test-only code. Note: many people use the term “mocking” to refer to the latter (and that’s fine!), but we’ll try and keep the concepts separate in this doc.

KUnit currently lacks specific support for either of these, in part due to the fact there’s enough trade-offs that it’s hard to come up with a generic solution.

Why do we need this?

First, let’s consider what the goal is. We want unit tests to be as lightweight and hermetic as possible, and only test the code we care about.

A canonical example in userspace testing to consider is a database. We’d want to verify that our code behaves properly (inserts the right rows to the database, etc.), but we don’t want to bring up a test database every time we run our tests.

Not only will this make the test take longer to run, it also adds more opportunities for the test to break in uninteresting ways, e.g. if writes to the database fail due to transient network issues.

If we can construct a “fake” database that implements the same interface, which is simply an in-memory hashtable or array, then we can have much faster and more reliable tests. Unit tests simply don’t need the scability and features of a real database.

Fakes versus mocks

We’ll be using terminology roughly as defined in https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestDouble.html, namely:

  • a “test double” is the more generic term for any kind of test-only replacement.

  • a “mock” is a test double that specifically can make assertions about how its called and can return different values based on its inputs.

  • a “fake” is a test double that mimics the semantics of the code it’s replacing but with less overhead and dependencies, e.g. a fake database might just use a hash table, or a fake IO device which is just a char buffer[MAX_SIZE], or UML itself (in a sense).

Mocks generally are written with support from their testing framework, whereas fakes are typically written without them.
KUnit currently lacks any features to specifically facilitate mocks, so it’s recommended to create and use fakes.

Downsides of mocking

Very briefly, using mocks in tests can make tests more fragile since they test “behavior” rather than “state.”

What do we mean by that? Let’s imagine we’re testing some userspace program with gMock-like syntax (a C++ mocking framework):

void send_data(struct data_sink *sink)
        /* do some fancy calculation to figure out what to write */
        sink->write("hello, ");

void test_send_data(struct test *test)
        struct data_sink *sink = make_mock_datasink();

        EXPECT_CALL(data_sink, write("hello, "))
        EXPECT_CALL(data_sink, write("world"))

And now let’s say we’ve realized we can make our code twice as fast with more buffering, effectively changing it to:

void send_data(struct data_sink *sink)
        sink->write("hello, world");
Oops, now our mock-based tests are failing since we’ve changed how many times we call write()!
Contrast this to a state-based approach where write() might just append to some char buffer[MAX_SIZE]. In that case, we can validate send_data() worked by just using KUNIT_EXPECT_STREQ(test, buffer, "hello, world") and it would work for either implementation.

A further downside is that the test author has to mimic the behavior themselves, i.e. the return values for each write() call. This means if the test author makes a mistake or tests just don’t get updated after a refactor, the mock can behave in unrealistic fashion.

This can and will eventually lead to bugs.

Upsides of mocking

This is not to say that one should never test “behaviour”, i.e. use mocking.
E.g. imagine we wanted the example test to validate that we only call write() once since each call is super-expensive.
Or consider when there’s no easy way to validate that the state has changed, e.g. if we want to validate that prefetchw() is called to pull a specific data structure into cache.
It’s also easier easier to use a mock if we want to force a certain return value, e.g. if we want to make a specific write() call fail so we can test an error path.
With our data_sink example above, it’s hard for an append into a char buffer[MAX_SIZE] to fail until we hit MAX_SIZE, but for real code that might be writing to disk or sending data over the network, failure could happen for ~any call. And it’s valuable to test that our code is robust against such failures.

Function redirection

Regardless of what kind of test double you use, they’re useless unless you can swap out the real code for them.
For lack of a better term, we’ll refer to this as function redirection: how do I make calls to real_function() go to my fake_function()?
In other test frameworks (Python’s unittest, JUnit for Java, Googletest for C++, etc.), this is fairly easy. This is because they rely on techniques like dynamic dispatch, which has language support.
We can and do re-implement dynamic dispatch in the kernel in C, but this adds runtime overhead which may or may not be acceptable in all contexts.

The problem boils down to adding another layer of indirection and we have various options to choose from, which we’ll describe below.

For each of these, let’s consider the following code:

static void func_under_test(void)
        /* unsafe to call this function directly in a test! */
        send_data_to_hardware("hello, world\n");


This RFC patch series here is the KUnit team’s attempt at implementing a solution here. Feedback there is welcome! The rest of this doc is mainly useful if you don’t want to wait on that or it doesn’t work for you use case.

Run time (ops structs, “class mocking”)

This is the most straightforward approach and fundamentally boils down to doing this:

static void func_under_test(void (*send_data_func)(const char *str))
        send_data_func("hello, world\n");

Being a bit more sophisticated, we can introduce a struct to hold the functions:

struct send_ops {
        void (*send)(const char *str);
        /* maybe more functions here in real code */

TODO(dlatypov@google.com): write about “class mocking”, RFC here


  • Simplest implementation: “it’s just code.”

  • This is the only approach here where we can limit the scope of the redirection.

    • The subsequent approaches globally redirect all calls to send_data_to_hardware(), potentially in code not-under-test we don’t want to mess with.

  • There are plenty of such structs throughout the kernel.

    • And users don’t need any special support from KUnit.


  • ~Everyone knows about this convention but still want “mocking.” It’s not seen as sufficient by itself.

  • Requires the most invasive code changes if the code isn’t already using this pattern.

    • Introduces runtime overhead (an indirect call, another function argument, etc.)

  • If func_under_test() is publicly exposed, but send_data_func() is not (most likely the case), users need to workaround this.

  • The RFC for “class mocking” requires a lot of boilerplate, even after providing macros to take care of most of it.

    • This is fundamentally a limitation of C (as opposed to C++ where classes have language support). It’s unlikely we can improve much here.

Compile time

This involves using compiler directive, macros, etc. to change the code when compiling KUnit tests, or for your specific test. E.g. a straightforward approach could be

void send_data_to_hardware(const char *str)
#ifdef CONFIG_MY_KUNIT_TEST /* or some other, more generic check */

        /* real implementation */

This pattern is generally useful and recommended here for injecting other kinds of test-only code.


This example makes it so that send_data_to_hardware() no longer works for the whole kernel, including other tests if they happen to compiled along with CONFIG_MY_KUNIT, even if it’s set as CONFIG_MY_KUNIT_TEST=m (!). See the code below or Hybrid approaches (limiting scope) for a discussion on how to mitigate that.

We’ve also sent out an RFC patch to try and standardize this approach behind a nice shiny API.

Unlike the example above, this API also ensures that the redirection only applies to the kthread that’s running the test and is undone when the test exits.

Using the API from that patch, our example above becomes:

void send_data_to_hardware(const char *str)
        KUNIT_STATIC_STUB_REDIRECT(send_data_to_hardware, str);
        /* real implementation */

/* In test file */
int times_called = 0;
void fake_send_data_to_hardware(const char *str)
        /* fake implementation */
/* In the test case, redirect calls for the duration of the test */
kunit_activate_static_stub(test, send_data_to_hardware, fake_send_data_to_hardware);

KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, times_called, 1);

/* Can also deactivate the stub early, if wanted */
kunit_deactivate_static_stub(test, send_data_to_hardware);

send_data_to_hardware("hello again");
KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, times_called, 1);


  • Also easy to understand.

  • No runtime overhead, unlike the option above.


  • Requires invasive changes to the function we’re trying to stub as opposed to the coder-under-test itself.

    • So it’s not suitable if you don’t own send_data_to_hardware().

  • We don’t want to pollute normal code by doing this at a large scale.

    • So it probably should only be used sparingly in narrow contexts, e.g. in static functions.

Hybrid approaches (limiting scope)

Summarizing, the main issue with the two approaches above is that they have effects globally and for the full life of the kernel, not just during tests.

How can we get around this? Why, of course, by adding another layer of indirection. Using some cleverness, we can use runtime indirection while building tests, but not pay the cost for normal builds.

Say we want to redirect/intercept calls to kmalloc(). Too many callsites need to use it so that stubbing it out is unwise (and would break KUnit itself). So we can introduce a __weak wrapper around it like so:

#define __mockable_wrapper __weak
#else /* avoid the performance overhead for real builds */
#define __mockable_wrapper __always_inline

void __mockable_wrapper kmalloc_wrapper(size_t n, gfp_t gfp)
        return kmalloc(n, gfp);

This adds more boilerplate, but lets us manage the scope of the code affected by the redirection. We can also limit the temporal scope of the redirection if our replacement is defined like:

/* In the test file. This is the definition that overrides the __weak version */
static void* (*kmalloc_ptr)(size_t n, gfp_t gfp) = kmalloc;
void* kmalloc_wrapper(size_t n, gfp_t gfp) {
        return kmalloc_ptr(n, gfp);

/* elsewhere in test case: use a fake implementation and then revert back */
kmalloc_ptr = my_fake_kmalloc;
KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(some_test_function(), 42);
kmalloc_ptr = kmalloc;

Note that we can do the same thing using compile-time indirection

#ifdef CONFIG_MY_KUNIT_TEST /* or some other, more generic check */
static void* (*kmalloc_ptr)(size_t n, gfp_t gfp) = kmalloc;

void* kmalloc_wrapper(size_t n, gfp_t gfp) {
        return kmalloc_ptr(n, gfp);
        return kmalloc(n, gfp);

/* in test file, use the fake for one call */
kmalloc_ptr = my_fake_kmalloc;
KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(some_test_function(), 42);
kmalloc_ptr = kmalloc;

See Storing and accessing state for fakes/mocks for more details on cleanly handling state in test doubles. In particular, one could use “named resources” instead of global variables like kmalloc_ptr. That approach would also be thread-safe, unlike this example.


  • No runtime overhead outside of tests.

    • For the link-time based approach __always_inline should eliminate the potential function call overhead.

    • With the compile-time approach, the code is unchanged unless the relevant tests are being built.

  • Able to limit the scope of the redirection to code we care about.

  • Are also able to limit how long the redirection is in place.


  • The code-under-test (func_under_test()) needs to be changed to use this new wrapper, somewhat hurting legibility.

  • Requires a decent amount of boilerplate for every single function we might want to stub.

    • Probably best reserved for only a few key functions. We could have shared implementations for some, e.g. kmalloc(), if they’re flexible enough (e.g. allow assigning arbitrary function pointers like in the second example).

  • Inherits issues of the other approach, e.g. __weak won’t work with modules, etc.

Binary-level (ftrace et. al)

Similar to link-time approaches, we can avoid invasive changes by doing the indirection at runtime.

Using ftrace and kernel livepatch, we can redirect calls to arbitrary functions (as long as they don’t get inlined!) and undo it when we’re done.

This RFC patch implements this approach, so see that for the exact specifics on how this works. We’ll be using the API from that RFC patch in the example below.

/* Note: marks the function as noinline if stubs are enabled, otherwise does nothing */
void KUNIT_STUBBABLE send_data_to_hardware(const char *str)
        /* real implementation */

/* In test file */
int times_called = 0;
void fake_send_data_to_hardware(const char *str)
        /* fake implementation */
/* In the test case, redirect calls for the duration of the test */
kunit_activate_ftrace_stub(test, send_data_to_hardware, fake_send_data_to_hardware);

KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, times_called, 1);

/* Can also deactivate the stub early, if wanted */
kunit_deactivate_ftrace_stub(test, send_data_to_hardware);

send_data_to_hardware("hello again");
KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, times_called, 1);


  • This is the least invasive change to the code-under-test.

    • You just have to ensure that the function isn’t inlined when compiling the kernel for testing, which you can do via KUNIT_STUBBABLE.

  • Unlike the link-time approach above, the redirection is reversible and is localized to the test.


  • Has a number of Kconfig dependencies that don’t work on all architectures (including UML).

  • Relies on a level of “magic”, so fully understanding how it works is much harder than e.g. compile-time approaches.

Storing and accessing state for fakes/mocks

One of the challenges of implementing both mocks and fakes is how to track state. We can’t pass in additional parameters since that’ll change the function signature, so we need some way of stashing state somewhere.

Below, we have two examples of how you can do so fairly cleanly.

Using named resources

We can use current->kunit_test with kunit_add_named_resource to store and retrieve test-specific data, e.g.

/* in some shared file, mock_write.h/c */

/* Store some data per-test and have a kunit_resource handle for it. */
struct mock_write_data {
        int times_called;
        bool should_return_error;
static struct kunit_resource mock_write_data_resource;

int mock_write_init(struct kunit *test, struct mock_write_data *data) {
        data->times_called = 0;
        data->should_return_error = false;

        return kunit_add_named_resource(test, NULL, NULL, &mock_write_data_resource,
                                        "mock_write_data", data);

int mock_write(const char *data)
        struct kunit_resource *resource;
        struct mock_write_data *mock;

        if (!current->kunit_test)
                return -1;

        resource = kunit_find_named_resource(current->kunit_test, "mock_write_data");
        if (!resource) {
                KUNIT_FAIL(current->kunit_test, "mock_write called before mock_write_init()!");
                return -1;

        mock = resource->data;
        return mock->should_return_error ? -1 : 0;

/* Then in the test file, can use the mock like so */

static void example_write_test(struct kunit *test)
        struct mock_write_data mock;
        mock_write_init(test, &mock);

        mock.should_return_error = true;
        KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, mock_write("hi"), 0);

        mock.should_return_error = false;
        KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, mock_write("hi"), 0);

        KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, mock.times_called, 2);

Storing state without KUnit

The approach above is tied to KUnit, but it’s obviously possible to come up with ways to do it without that dependency.

For example, if you’re targeting an ops struct, we can employ some container_of() shenanigans.

To make the example a bit simpler, let’s assume our ops struct passes a pointer to itself for each operation.

struct writer {
        int (*write)(struct writer *writer, const char *data);

/* in mock_writer.h/c */
struct mock_writer {
        struct writer ops;
        int times_called;
        bool should_return_error;

static int mock_write(struct writer *writer, const char *data)
        struct mock_writer *mock = container_of(writer, struct mock_writer, ops);

        return mock->should_return_error ? -1 : 0;

void init_mock_writer(struct mock_writer *mock) {
        mock->ops.write = mock_write;
        mock->times_called = 0;
        mock->should_return_error = false;

/* Then in the test file */

static void example_simple_test(struct kunit *test)
        struct mock_writer mock;
        struct writer *writer = &mock.ops;


        mock.should_return_error = true;
        KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, writer->write(writer, "hi"), 0);

        mock.should_return_error = false;
        KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, writer->write(writer, "hi"), 0);

        KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, mock.times_called, 2);

If this seems unrealistic, that’s because it is, but it’s not too far from the truth. E.g. struct inode has a struct inode_operations *i_ops member and each operation takes a struct inode* as an argument (or a struct dentry which we can easily convert over via d_inode()).

So in that more realistic example, we’d have:

struct mock_inode {
        struct inode real;

        /* mock/fake state stuff */
        int readlink_err;
        int get_acl_err;

static struct posix_acl *mock_get_acl(struct inode *inode, int type)
        struct mock_inode *mock = container_of(inode, struct mock_inode, real);

        if (mock->get_acl_err)
                return ERR_PTR(get_acl_err);

        return posix_acl_alloc(3, GFP_KERNEL);

static int mock_readlink(struct dentry *dentry, char __user * buffer, int buflen)
        /* get mock_inode indrectly */
        struct inode *inode = d_inode(dentry);
        struct mock_inode *mock = container_of(inode, struct mock_inode, real);

        return mock->readlink_err;

struct inode_operations mock_inode_operations = {
        .get_acl = mock_get_acl,
        .readlink  = mock_readlink,
        /* ... */

void mock_inode_init(struct mock_inode *mock)
        /* ... */

        mock->real.i_ops = &mock_inode_operations;